What hay fever is ?

"Hay fever" is a frequent allergic illness. About 10% of the population suffer from the classic "hay fever". It starts mostly in the childhood. Within the first years the allergy usually gets worse to decrease with increasing old one to intensity. If a pollen allergy appears for the first time in the middle or higher age, the chances stand well that it simply disappears after a while again. With every third party an oversensitivity can in addition develop also on a certain food (e.g. nuts and malaceous fruit with birch pollen people suffering from an allergy), one then talks about a cross allergy. Furthermore the danger that in the course of the illness a so-called "floor change" takes place after 5-15 years consists in approx. 20% of the cases. This means that the illness spreads to the lungs in which the lower lung muscous membranes then develop an increased sensitiveness on flower pollen with cough and air need besides the upper ones, too. This leads to an allergic asthma. Hay fever should be diagnosed and treated by the doctor.

If the illness is recognized and treated enough early, the emergence of an allergic asthma can be prevented or delayed at least. The allergic reaction at the hay fever is based on an oversensitivity against the egg-white components of a certain pollen. Pollen reaches the air during the grasses and blossom. You cause an allergic reaction at the muscous membranes of the respiratory tract, the nose and the eyes, a regular nose, watering among other things, asthma and red skin areas, are part of.

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